Treasure Hunt


Ahoy matey! join us as we create an original treasure hunt for you and your team! Each crew will be given clues to decipher and tools with which to find the hidden treasure. The program is not limited to the open seas and the beach, rather we can construct programs that work in sprawling cities and even at your hotel! Help forge lasting bonds as you search for that lost treasure! Not all who wander are lost, and that idea rings true in our Treasure Hunt program as team members will have the chance to explore their environment while on the path to building a better team.


A map-based program where groups must work together to solve the final clue and locate a lost treasure. Based on the Scandinavian sport of orienteering, teams are given maps and clues to locate. As they find and decipher the clues they get closer to finding the “key” and opening the treasure chest. Communication is important as each team must pool their knowledge and creativity in order to come out on top.


Teams will be vying for a prize supplied by the client that will be tucked away in the treasure chest. Teams will be improving their problem solving skills and their communication skills as they progress through the event.